End of Tenancy Cleaning

Hiring a Local Cleaning Company Over a Franchise

While cleaning franchises offer some advantages, including lower rates than a local cleaning company, going local can still be the best option. 

Most residents and business owners have now realised the benefits of hiring professional cleaners over cleaning themselves or hiring an employee dedicated to doing the tasks. Hiring professional cleaners gives you affordable, high-quality cleaning services right away. However, these services come with two options: you can either go with a franchise or use a local cleaning service.

“Cleaning franchises offer some advantages and often have lower service rates than a local cleaning company. However, we at Urban Clean think choosing local cleaners is still the best option. I might sound biased, but I speak from experience in the cleaning industry. Many of our clients have worked with both, and many of them confirmed that a cleaning franchise could not match the quality, care, and attention you can get from a local business,” says the managing director of Urban Clean.

Cleaning Service

A Cleaning Team that Truly Cares

Most cleaning franchises have a solid business and have expanded rapidly. For this reason, they frequently experience employee shortages, which leads them to make hasty hiring decisions. While it seems that a cleaning job is easy, that is not always the case. As many of you have experience cleaning your homes, the job is physically demanding and time-consuming. Imagine doing this for several homes and meeting each client’s expectations. 

On the other hand, a local cleaning company is extra careful when hiring team members. They ensure that the cleaning staff communicate well, clean, and care about the job. As a result, they usually hire the best in the trade. 

Personalised Cleaning Solutions

Since most business decisions in a franchise cleaning company are already made or come from someone else, they are often not flexible to accommodate services other than what they offer. 

“Cleaning franchises are known for their one-size-fits-all cleaning packages, so there is no room for customization. Meanwhile, a local cleaning company can be flexible with their services,” Urban Clean’s managing director quips. 

One example is offering recurring services, deep cleaning, and some add-ons like cleaning the fridge’s interior that Urban Care provides to its regular clients. The company can also work with the customer’s budget and customise a cleaning plan to fit the client’s needs.

Deep Relationship with the Community

Many people want to contribute to their community, and hiring local professional cleaners is one way of supporting the locals. Yes, a franchisee may hire local employees, but part of its revenue will return to its head office. 

When you choose local cleaners, you help a local business owner grow their business and offer jobs to the people around the neighbourhood. 

For small businesses, reputation is important. But unfortunately, they don’t have the funds to advertise their business as franchises do. For this reason, they rely on word of mouth to get the word around. Hence, they pay attention to details and provide excellent customer service for their clients to recommend them. 

Have we convinced you to choose a locally-owned cleaning company? Check out Urban Care to know the difference, and you can also check the video of Urban Care’s 5 Core Values:

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